Orthodox Faith Enrichment Program (OFEP)

Welcome to our Orthodox Faith Enrichment Program (OFEP)! It's not just
an educational initiative; it's a loving community where our children grow in
faith and connection with God.

Formerly known as Sunday School, OFEP is our way of nurturing the
spiritual journey of our young ones. We believe in building a solid
foundation during these formative years it's like planting seeds that will
grow into beautiful spiritual gardens as they mature.

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Our team of dedicated teachers and helpers pour their hearts into creating
an environment where biblical truths come alive. Through engaging
activities, creative lessons, and heartfelt conversations, they help shape the
Orthodox values that define our community.

But OFEP is more than just lessons; it's about empowering our children to
live their faith every day. We equip them with the tools to navigate the
complexities of the world around them, teaching them resilience and wisdom
through relevant topics and discussions.

We also believe in the power of service and community. Through
volunteering opportunities both within our church and beyond, we
encourage our children to use their gifts for the greater good.

And let's not forget the joy of coming together in worship! Our monthly
masses on Saturdays provide a special time for our children to participate in
the Divine Liturgy and feel the warmth of our faith community.

But perhaps what makes OFEP truly special is our sense of family. We're
committed to creating a welcoming and caring environment where every
child feels valued and loved. From social gatherings to fun activities, we
strive to foster connections that last a lifetime.

To our parents:

you're an essential part of this journey. We keep you
informed every step of the way through weekly emails and invite you to join
us in our exciting and meaningful activities.

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