Rev. Fr. Imad Al-Banna

Rev. Fr. Imad Al-Banna is more than just our parish
priest; he's the heart and soul of our community.
With his unwavering dedication and exemplary
leadership, he profoundly impacts every aspect of
our church life.

From Sunday school to choir performances, youth
activities, and the devotion of our deacons, Fr.
Imad's influence is felt throughout our community.
He's not just a leader; he's a guiding light, enriching
our events with spiritual depth and meaning.

With over 7 years of ministry experience, Fr. Imad
leads with compassion and wisdom, offering support
that uplifts and inspires us to deepen our faith. His
sermons are not just words; they're beacons of light
that enlighten and guide us on our spiritual journey.

Fr. Imad's vision for our parish is one of inclusivity
and warmth, where every member feels welcomed
and valued. Under his compassionate leadership, our
church family thrives as a vibrant community united
in faith and service.

We are truly grateful for Fr. Imad's exceptional
leadership and unwavering dedication to our parish.
His presence among us is a true blessing, and we are
immensely thankful for his guidance, wisdom, and

Dionysius John Kawak Archbishop,Patriarcal Vicar

Born in Damascus, Syria, on May 27, 1966, is a
respected leader in the Syriac Orthodox Church,
known for his deep faith and dedication to service.
Ordained as a priest in 1994, following a period of
monastic dedication, he has served in various roles
within the church, including as a spiritual advisor and

His ministry extended to the United States, where he
played a key role in establishing and nurturing several
parishes. Elevated to the rank of Archbishop in 2010,
Mor Dionysius has continued to lead with wisdom and
grace, serving as Patriarchal Vicar for the Eastern
United States since 2016.

Above all, Mor Dionysius’s enduring legacy is his
dedication to the youth of the church and his tireless
efforts to promote harmony within the Christian
community, embodying the values of compassion and
inclusivity. We honor Mor Dionysius for his
exceptional leadership and remarkable contributions
to our faith community.

Moran Mor Ignatius Aphrem II

Born in Kamishly, Syria, on May 3, 1965, His
Holiness Patriarch Ignatius Aphrem II has
been a devoted leader in the Syriac Orthodox
Church. Raised by his mother after losing his
father, he pursued spiritual and academic

Starting at St. Ephrem’s Theological Seminary
in Lebanon in 1977, he later continued his
education in Cairo, Egypt, and Maynooth,
Ireland. In 1996, he became Metropolitan and
Patriarchal Vicar for the Eastern United
States, fostering growth and unity.

His leadership led to the establishment of
parishes, youth initiatives, and educational
programs. He's respected for his commitment
to unity and dialogue, both within and beyond
the Orthodox community.

His tireless efforts include acquiring properties
in New Jersey for the Archdiocese's future. On
May 29, 2014, he was enthroned as the 123rd
Syriac Orthodox Patriarch of Antioch,
marking a new chapter in his inspiring journey
of faith and service.