
Welcome to Sts. Peter and Paul Youth Organization—where our beloved
Young Adults, Youth, and Junior Youth find a second home!

Here, our mission is simple yet profound: to journey alongside our young
ones as they grow in their Orthodox faith and deepen their connection with
the Lord.

We believe in equipping our youth with the tools they need to serve joyfully
and reflect the love of Jesus in all they do. With a strong foundation in the
teachings of the Bible, we empower them to communicate effectively and
serve selflessly.

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It's not just about knowledge; it's about passing down the timeless truths
of God's Word from one generation to the next. Through our programs and
activities, we're nurturing the body of Christ and ensuring that the flame of
faith burns brightly in the hearts of our youth.

And let's not forget the joy of community! From social gatherings to
exciting events, we're all about creating a warm and inviting space where
friendships flourish and hearts connect.

So, whether you're a Young Adult, Youth, or Junior Youth, know that
you're not alone on this journey. Together, we'll walk hand in hand, growing
in faith and spreading the light of God's love to all we meet. Welcome to our

The Youth Organization also organizes spiritual and social events to foster
connections among youth members, including:

Spiritual Nights

Service events

Biweekly Bible Studies

Spiritual Lectures


Social Gatherings


Memorial & Labor Day Picnics and more.

Contact the Youth Organization

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