
Ever wonder about the origin of the word 'deacon'? It actually stems from
the Greek 'diakonos,' which translates to 'servant.' In our Syriac Orthodox
tradition, deacons play vital roles, each with their own unique duties:

  • Mazmrono (Singer)
  • Quroyo (Reader)
  • Afudyaqno (Sub-deacon)
  • Evangeloyo (High deacon)
  • Archdeacon (Full deacon)

These roles aren't just about titles; they're about embodying the spirit of
humility and love. At Sts. Peter and Paul Church, our deacons are the
heartbeat of our community. They work alongside priests during Holy
Liturgy and other services, putting service above pride and honor. It's their
dedication that unites us across generations and organizations, all in the
shared goal of glorifying the name of the Lord.


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